The time I was in Iquique, January-February 2020, coincided with the local festival, which is free, where a lot of musicians and comedians went, including Miranda. That time I went with my parents and my brother, and although Miranda was not the show we most wanted to see, we stayed there listening to the whole show, about 40 minutes. Although I didn't think I knew more than a couple of their songs, I really enjoyed their show and could at least hum several of their songs. From that moment on I started to listen to them on a more regular basis and I hope to be able to go to another one of their concerts soon. That's the concert I enjoyed the most (I haven't been to many either) because of all the context it had: a vacation, the relaxation of the beach, the kind of music Miranda plays and everything that would come later with the covid. That day Américo was also and played "Mujeres y Cerveza" :)