Someone interesting who you follow on social networks.

Someone interesting that I follow in several social networks and I am aware of what he is doing is Ignacio Socías.

Socías is known for being a great comedian at a national level, he has 31 years of which he has been in the world of comedy for a little over 10 years, going through a variety of bars (such as Comedy), television programs and other platforms as an independent content creator such as Youtube or Spotify.

I've been following socias for about 5 years, when I started watching him on his Youtube newscast parody channel "Frente Fracasados", in which he covered various events of political relevance for the country such as the presidential elections, always using irony as a pillar. From there I have followed him both on youtube with FF and his other projects, I also discovered his project "Tiempos Mozos" with Lucas Espinoza, his works on spotify, etc.

What I like most about him is that his style of humor is not the most common in the national scene, so he is still without stepping on a big stage like Olmué or Viña, but surely he is not far away :)


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