
Like the majoity of the population, I started learning English in First Grade. Of course the level of difficulty increased over the years untill now.

One thing I find simple is the way verbs are written, as it is just one way that applies to all. It happens similarly to the conjugations for past and future, as they are generally written in the same way.

I practice generally listen to music, interviews or movies in English, trying to understand what they are saying whitout seeing the subtitles.

During the English class i like to learn new words and they meaning, so i could use it in the future.

I believe the English in the future will be the dominant language in the world, this for a lot of facts, to negotiate with the USA you need English, most of the pop culture comes from there or from England, it is the language used for conversations between 2 people who do not share a language, etc.

Whai i like the most about the English Culture is his music. Since the appearance of The Beatles and the Rock, this aspect of the culture has been highly prolific, wich Bands like Queen, The Rolling Stones, The Sex Pistols, Phil Collins and many more artists!!


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